Charitable Giving…Let’s Level The Playing Field
LevelMarty Levine July 27, 2022 From the moment I wake up until I shut down my iPad, ready to sleep, I am constantly asked to donate. At 6.30 a.m.,...
It is not for us to finish the work; but neither are you at liberty to neglect it.
LevelMarty Levine July 27, 2022 From the moment I wake up until I shut down my iPad, ready to sleep, I am constantly asked to donate. At 6.30 a.m.,...
Marty Levine July 19, 2022 In 1968, when I was a graduate student, I was deeply involved in protesting the ongoing war in Viet Nam, the Civil Rights Movement,...
Carole Levine July 18. 2022 As many of us sit transfixed, watching the January 6thCommittee’s hearings and wondering how we have descended into this kind of pollical morass,...
Marty Levine July 11, 2022 Highland Park, Illinois is just 17 miles north of where I live. It is a community I have worked in, often having meetings in...
July 6, 2022 Money may not be able to buy you love but it certainly can buy you a lot of political influence. Since 1976, when the Supreme Court...
Carole Levine July 8, 2022 I just got my 7th, or was it my 8th, invite to a webinar on what our next steps should be in...
Marty Levine June 30, 2022 What happens in Washington is important. We need only to look back over the last few weeks to know that this is true. The...
Marty Levine June 26, 2022 I woke Wednesday morning to the glorious news that our “Senators hail ‘bipartisan breakthrough’ on gun safety legislation” It will be, we are told...
Marty Levine June 20, 2022 Years ago, I met the Israeli author A. B. Yehoshua in a Haifa University classroom looking out over the blue waters of the Mediterranean...
Marty Levine June 13, 2022 Every one of my news feeds flashed alerts on Sunday that a bipartisan group of 20 Senators had reached agreement on what they described...