The Battle Against Critical Race Theory (CRT) Revealed
Marty Levine December 3, 2021 If you are unsure what the real objective is of those who loudly protest the influence of Critical Race Theory on Public Education, let...
It is not for us to finish the work; but neither are you at liberty to neglect it.
Marty Levine December 3, 2021 If you are unsure what the real objective is of those who loudly protest the influence of Critical Race Theory on Public Education, let...
Marty Levine December 1, 2021 The past few months I have, more than ever, struggled with a sense of failure and despair. It has been reflected in my writing,...
Carole Levine November 22, 2021 The verdict in the Kyle Rittenhouse case came as no surprise. We had watched the selection of an almost all white jury. We...
Marty Levine November 24, 2021 We have less than 350 days before a man-made cataclysm changes our nation, perhaps beyond repair. On the evening of November 8, 2022, our...
Marty Levine November 22, 2021 In this time of heated political division, it is too easy and too common to for advocates and their organizations to claim to be...
Marty Levine November 18, 2021 Yesterday the House of Representatives censured Congressman Paul Gosar. His offense he said, was a misunderstanding about how he was urging people to join...
Marty Levine November 15, 2021 The playbook is not new. Components include stoking fear. Subtly igniting the embers of racism using “wedge issues” that provide a “respectable” veneer to...
Carole Levine November 9, 2021 Each morning when I open my computer inbox, I am bombarded with issues and causes that I care about, or should care about, or...
Marty Levine November 9, 2021 When I posted What Phil Ochs Taught Me in 1966 Remains a Lesson for Today on Sunday little did I know that the New...
Marty Levine November 7, 2021 In 1962 Michael Harrington published “The Other America: Poverty in the United States” and showed us the painful underbelly of our free-market economy and...