Listen to Winston…He has much to Warn Us About
Marty Levine July 6, 2021 In 1949 George Orwell published these words, “minute by minute the past was brought up to date…” 1984’s protagonist, Winston, spent his days...
It is not for us to finish the work; but neither are you at liberty to neglect it.
Marty Levine July 6, 2021 In 1949 George Orwell published these words, “minute by minute the past was brought up to date…” 1984’s protagonist, Winston, spent his days...
Marty Levine July 1, 2021 According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary the definition of poverty is straightforward. Being poor is lacking “a usual or socially acceptable amount of money or...
Marty Levine June 28, 2021 We Got to Get the Answer Right This Time. Can we reform our way to the society I dream of or is that just...
Carole Levine June 25, 2021 People are confused and many are rightfully concerned. Most of us had hoped for a Supreme Court ruling in Fulton v. The City of...
Marty Levine June 25, 2021 We know that poverty harms every aspect of life. We know that its impact on children is particularly dire. We know that for too...
Marty Levine June 22, 2021 Is our work of building a better society a private matter, best directed, and funded by each of us who can spare a...
Marty Levine June 15, 2021 The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) just released the results of a survey that gave them the exact results they needed to support their pro-Israel advocacy....
Marty Levine June 10, 2021 Two days ago ProPublica published a story that made it crystal clear that our vaunted “progressive” income tax system is anything but progressive. Illustration:...
Carole Levine June 10, 2021 The buzz about the Supreme Court’s hearing a case next year from Mississippi that will challenge Roe v. Wade in the...
Marty Levine June 6, 2021 I struggle to understand why so many conservatives work so hard to make life harder for those who struggle to feed their families or...