A Personal Perspective on the Mythology of Modern Israel
Marty Levine February 2, 2023 More than 40 years ago I made my first trip to Israel. Having grown up as a minority in a country where being Jewish...
It is not for us to finish the work; but neither are you at liberty to neglect it.
Marty Levine February 2, 2023 More than 40 years ago I made my first trip to Israel. Having grown up as a minority in a country where being Jewish...
Marty Levine January 24, 2023 The rallying cry to a Tel Aviv crowd estimated to be as large as 130,000 came from a renowned Israeli novelist, David Grossman. “The...
Marty Levine January 22, 2023 As I write this the World Economic Forum, which brings together “2,700 leaders from government, business and civil society,” is underway in Davos, Switzerland. ...
Marty Levine January 14, 2023 Last week I wrote about how quickly Israel’s current government has begun to match its actions to its words. Within days of assuming power,...
Marty Levine January 10, 2023 It took only a few days for the new Israeli government to show that they were more than just a bunch of big talkers....
Marty Levine January 4, 2023 As 2022 came to end I found myself drawn back to a subject that I have often written about – mega-philanthropists. I opened up...
Carole Levine January 3, 2023 In certain parts of this nation, we are experiencing outbreaks of diseases that most of us thought were under control and we would...
Marty Levine December 29, 2022 About two months ago the Israeli electorate showed us how far right the country had moved. Israel would be governed by a coalition that,...
Carole Levine December 26, 2022 I always get a bit nostalgic on December 24th. It has nothing to do with the holidays. I’m Jewish and don’t celebrate Christmas and...
Marty Levine December 24, 2022 As we approach the end of the year I am besieged as I expect you are by requests for donations. They fill my snail...