Moving Backwards on Voting Rights
Carole Levine February 13, 2022 There was an air of jubilance among voting rights advocates on January 24th when a three-judge Federal District Court (which included two Donald Trump...
It is not for us to finish the work; but neither are you at liberty to neglect it.
Carole Levine February 13, 2022 There was an air of jubilance among voting rights advocates on January 24th when a three-judge Federal District Court (which included two Donald Trump...
Marty Levine February 10, 2022 In 1977 Amnesty International (AI) was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. The Nobel Committee pointed out their unique impact as a defender of “human...
Marty Levine February 4, 2022 At the end of January, JP Morgan Chase issued a press release proudly announcing “two of six winners to receive $5 million each in...
Carole Levine February 1, 2022 Almost 50 years ago, in 1971, I began my first paid teaching position at Hanley Junior High School in University City, Missouri. I was...
Marty Levine February 1, 2022 When I read of Nancy Pelosi’s announcement that she would be running for reelection I found myself again reflecting on questions I had to...
Carole Levine January 27, 2022 As I write this, our federal Senators and Representatives are engaged in a continuous and seemingly endless divide. There is much posturing, but little...
Censoring History Is Not A Positive Sign For Our Democracy Marty Levine January 27, 2022 Last week the Israeli newspaper Haaretz published a story about a new educational policy...
Marty Levine January 20, 2022 This is an old story. The rich get richer. The rich get richer faster and faster. Nationally and globally, more and more get left...
Marty Levine January 17, 2022 It has been clear that for years the Senate is a legislative body in which the minority can and will use the body’s rules...
January 11, 2022 At the heart of pro-Israel supporters animus to any voice of opposition, to any voice supporting the rights of the Palestinian people, and to any voice...